Now availabe: CSC Goodies
CSC Goodies
Dear military pentathon family,
as presented for those of you who was present at the closing dinner in Seebenstein the 26th of august, we would like to offer the teams the possiblity to buy some CSC goodies. The purpose is to have a small income for the CSC in order to finance the cost of data management systems in our sport.
In addition we hope the items can promote our sport better, and giving the teams the possibility to hounor the athletes who manage the 5000p (bronze) 5200p (silver) and 5400p (gold) limits. Best regards, CISM Sport Committee Military Pentathlon.
If you are interested in the CSC-Goodies please contact our Secretary, Mr. RAUDNER Franz.
Mobil: +43 664 622 48 82